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Final Mural Work.jpg

Bedroom Design

Ingersoll Rand


with team Base501 | Site: Chembur | 2019

Process Work.jpg

Design Credits: Base501

This was a residential project for a children’s bedroom. The client wanted a theme that revolved around stars, sky, rockets, planets, and parachutes.


The bedroom had 3 major walls, one which was directly facing the main door, one which was adjacent to the main door, and one near the window. 


The wall murals were designed in a way wherein the base colour was sky blue with parachutes and rockets in dark blue or yellow/brown shades, planets in contrasting colours like yellow, orange, grey, and white whereas stars in black and white. 


The wall facing the main door and near the bed headrest had a mix of all the elements whereas the one adjacent to the main door had just stars aligned in a way wherein it emphasized the shelves. The wall near the window was comparatively smaller in width and had a crescent moon, a rocket, clouds with some stars as fillers. 

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The Entrance Door Detail

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Image Credits: Base501

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Image Credits: Base501

From Left-Right:

Final Mural Design Output


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