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 Office Space Column Illustration

with team Base501 | Site: Phoenix Mall, Kurla | 2018




Video Credits: Base501

The brief here was to create illustrations that will go up on the office Pantry walls, the meeting Cabins and the columns of the office space.


The Pantry wall: 
This wall had a mix of big and small elements that revolved around food. The main emphasis was given to the quote, “Good Food Create Great Stories” where the o’s of the word food were replaced by an actual bicycle. Smaller elements like plates with quirky food quotes surrounded this quote and then even smaller elements like spoons and forks were used as fillers.


Column Illustrations:
The client had given us a list of words and products that had to be incorporated in the illustrations with no specific theme which was later printed on a wallpaper based material and then stuck on the columns. 


Meeting Cabins:
The meeting cabins were designed in a way wherein it looked like they had elements of huge mirrors, potted plants, and vintage objects. These illustrations were directly drawn on the wall using sharpie pens.


The Entrance Door Detail

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Process Work


Image Credits: Base501


Illustrations for the Columns in the Office Space

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The Office Space Columns

Image Credits: Base501

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From Left - Right:

Meeting Room Wall Designs, The Hello Wall (Zoomed in), Hello Wall and the Pantry Wall Design.

Image Credits: Base501

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