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Final Wall Mural.jpg

The Pantry Room Design

with Base 501 | Site: Phoenix Mall, Kurla | 2019


Ingersoll Rand


The brief given here by Ingersoll Rand was to paint inspiring and motivating quotes on the columns of the workspace and walls of the meeting rooms as well as create a mural for their pantry room wall.


The office space had 6 huge square columns placed right in the center of the main office space. These columns were hand-painted with motivational quotes like “Think Big”, “Can’t stop, won’t stop”, etc. Bright colours like red, blue, green, and yellow were used as a background with overlapping text in white to create an impact. 


The pantry space here had an existing black wall and hence we decided to use yellow and white as a contrasting colour and paint various food elements and words over it. 


The meeting rooms, however, had random strips of wood on their walls painted with grey paint and some red coloured element in some places. The idea here was to write motivational quotes in white and colour the quotations marks in red. 

The Entrance Door Detail


Process Work

Image Credits: Base501

Final Mural.jpg

Process Work

The Final Column Design

Image Credits: Base501

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