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Terrace Landscape

Ramvijaya Villa


with Opus Designs | Site: Sanpada, Navi Mumbai | 2018


I worked on this project from its initial nascent design proposal stage to its final inauguration stage. This project helped me understand how a design is proposed to a client, the various in-between stages of design ‘process’ to design development and then actually going on-site for overlooking the execution. 


The design proposal was segregated into four different parts, the ground floor and terrace tiling, the entrance lobby and terrace wall design, the landscape of the ground floor and the terrace space along with interior furniture layout.


My responsibility here was to go to the site, coordinate with the client and the senior architect on a daily basis and make presentations along with necessary drawings. I also had to look for vendors and coordinate with them on the pricing of various materials. Apart from that, I had to make drawings along with details (sample on the next page) which could then be sent to the site for execution.

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Terrace Landscape

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Villa Entrance

GF Plan.png

Ground Floor Plan

GF Landscape.png

Ground Floor Landscape Plan

Entrance Wall Detail.png

Entrance Wall Detail

Terrace Landscape Plan

GF Wall Section.png

Entrance Wall  Design Iteration

Gate Section.png
Entrance Detail.png

Entrance Gate Design

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Terrace Plan Design Iteration

Entrance Slope Detail

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